Sunday 20 July 2014


Coffee post today! 前几天不知为何我心血来潮想要去尝试我从来没去过的一间咖啡厅。也许是因为喝闷了其他的咖啡呱呵呵。我本身是一位超级爱喝咖啡的人,所以每天都一定要喝,不喝会头痛😂这算是个理由吗哈哈!就因为要喝咖啡所以到了那里一趟,为了寻找更好喝的咖啡☕️。

这店名叫 Bakery Breadboss Cafe。我喜欢那店里的环境和气氛,给人很舒适,适合那些要做assignment或者是思想比较长的人,可以在那里发呆很久😁。


我点了一杯 Hazelnut Cafe Latte。喜欢它甜的刚刚好,咖啡味也够重,因为本身喜欢重咖啡味。下次一定要尝试其他的口味,还有他们的松饼😄。


Friday 18 July 2014


这应该是昨晚的事情了,可我早睡所以知道的时候已经算迟了。今早一张开眼睛第一件事是拿起手机查看我download(从昨晚已开始下载影片)。然后就只然而然看Facebook的update,才发现到这个新闻,马来西亚航班#MH17坠机。当时我第一个想法是'not again'?我再认真的翻查其他网友所post的文章,脑袋里才清醒想着,这事情是真的。心里荡了一下,我的国家又再次遇到这种事情。我当时的心情可说是有悲哀,也有愤怒,不知如何形容,总之是复杂的心情。悲哀是替机上所有的死者和死者的家属悲哀,愤怒是为何如今我们的世界变的如此混乱。



Thursday 19 June 2014


I do believe many people know that the opening of new airport KLIA2. Some people told me that next time we wont get bored at airport because there will be one of the shopping heaven! Cant wait to travel and take a look at KLIA2! (Hopefully soon I can go travel.... pppleasssssseeeeee!!) Check out at klia2 website and there got a good news to all of us! We have a chance to win items worth up to RM5,000!! Here is the website
Just few simple steps you need to do! Just click on the button of START NOW and do like a online shopping. Choose all the items that you want to put into your cart, of course not more than RM5,000.
Choose the items, click on the button of ADD TO BAG. And there will show the total amount of your items.
After finish add all your wished items, click button of CONFIRM and you're done! Simple steps right? Hopefully I'm the winner >.< Don't forget to like their social page too! Instagram @indulgemyairports and Twitter : @indulge_my

Monday 19 May 2014


Today im gonna post a blog about beauty review. Do you ever hear this brand? Celmonze? No? Same as me! At first, I really no idea about this brand. Maybe I outdate lloolll!! Until the day when my mum go to beauty centre (MONICA) and the girl advice to me use this product.
Before that, im gonna tell you that I got dark spot on my face. Consider a lot?! Im nt sure. But what I can tell you is I get dark spots since I was teenage. Should blame myself who join Persatuan Bulan Sabit Merah (Malaysian Red Crescent Society) on that time.
 I’ve been try many others brand to reduce my dark spots but bad news is no one of them can help me to reduce dark spots L Until I try this product Celmonze, its work! Me forget to take picture before and after =.= And also forget to count out the day for the outcome result. But people around me can notice about the change. Its helps my skin getting bright, white, smooth and also, my dark spots reduce! Thanks god to let me find out this brand J  I use C White Skin Concentrate everyday and night. I get tester of C White Day Cream and C White Night Repair Complex from my mum. C White Day Cream apply on day time and C White Night Repair Complex apply on night time before sleep! Damn like the cream and concentrate so much! It wont feel sticky after apply on face and the smell good! The concentrate super clear in colour!


Here is some information about 3 products from C White:
Day Cream

White Brilliance Increased,
Dark Matters Decreased.

Skin is on its way to a brighter day! Thanks to skin lightening plant extracts, cellular renewal is accelerated while melanin balance is attained and even skin tone achieved. Darkening activities are suppressed.


Skin Concentrate

Extraordinarily Brighter, Firmer
Incredibly Calmer & Clearer.

 Skin's hero is here to save the day! From now on, expect extraordinarily firmer days with anti-pigmentation power. Plus, there's Acetyl Tetrapeptide-9 on board to stimulate collagen and plump up skin!

Night Repair Complex
Stellar Renovation Just Overnight, Spotty Pigmentation Out of Sight.
Skin's overnight renovation restores brilliance. First, unwanted dark spots from sun damage, acne, and melasma are faded away. Next, an extra brightening boost will be visible when you wake!
Light up your world with the luminous power of C White by Celmonze-designed to counter hyper pigmentation and unwanted blemishes-the safe, gentle and natural way. Using naturally occurring alpha hydroxyl acids derived from soybean, bitter almond, bark of willow tree and milk. These nourishing, nutritive and intensely revitalizing ingredients in C White will more than restore skin's luminosity. It'll eradicate the effects of sun damage and acne scars. Fade away unwanted blemishes. And, propel intensive cellular renovation till skin is plump, smooth and young again!
By using Celmoze, its can help to reduces Appearance of Dark Spots and Pigmentation
- Able to Lighten Uneven Skin Tone
- Boots Up Skin's Elasticity
- Moisturizing and Hydrating
- Lifting and Firming
- Soothes Away Skin's Irritation
- Calms Away Skin's Problem


Wednesday 14 May 2014


Is a late post again =.= Why am I so lazy to update my blog... Maybe.. Yaa.. Yeaaa... The truth is Im a lazy girl HAHAHAAAA!!

Back to topic! So recently I take a short break at Pulau Sapi Kota Kinabalu Sabah with some of my husband's friends. Why consider as a short break? Just because I escape from being a mother on that day :DDD (As I said just now, IM A LAZY GIRL). Dint prepare much to this trip and don't have capture many picture as I expected :(( Just can post out few picture of that pulau. Hmm...


Thank god because good weather on that day and manage to capture good view of pulau sapi.
 (Do you spot something??!!!)
 (Zoom in!!)

For girls, remember put on some sunblock before you explore to sunlight hahahahaahh! I get black skin after that trip :((( Need quite a long time to get back my skin colour. A short remind, please ready your own foods if you don't want buy foods over there (Quite expensive and the taste is.. Hmm..). Just pretend you're going to have a picnic over there hahahaaa!


We stay there just about 5 hours like that and we back to the city (Of course just because too hot just us la..). Back home with a freaking tired mood and body!

Friday 4 April 2014


Another late post again :( Here is about best pasta that I ever eat at Kota Kinabalu! When there to have my lunch with my mum on working day. Normally will full house at this hour and when dinner time. So we order pizza & some pasta to share :)

Location : Gaya Street Little Italy
Super love their lemon lime! Its so nice to drink!

 Honestly I reject to test this but lastly I tested it just because of I'm still hungry on that time >.<


Wednesday 2 April 2014

今天想分享我前一阵子使用的产品,叫做Fairy Beauty Fairy Blossom. 我是在 Hishop 上网订的。想找一些可以吃的来补充身体,所以就试了这个产品。效果还不错,我喝了一盒就有效果了(不确定是不是~)。喝了一盒我比平常精神很多,平常的我很快就疲累了。睡眠也有改善:) 还有胸部也有一点反应(偶尔会发热),也许是在血液循环。



Tuesday 18 February 2014


说真的,今天我还真没那个心情去写任何东西。我的心情好像跌进深井里一样。心情糟透了!但也因为这样我必须找东西来发泄,要把那个心情烦恼给忘掉!所以今天要写近日我去过的餐厅。THE GLASS GRILL & BAR 位置在亚庇中心的shopping mall Suria Sabah七楼。

Tomato Soup

Spaghetti (Forget what name is this spaghetti)

Hawaiian Chicken Pizza
