Wednesday 14 May 2014


Is a late post again =.= Why am I so lazy to update my blog... Maybe.. Yaa.. Yeaaa... The truth is Im a lazy girl HAHAHAAAA!!

Back to topic! So recently I take a short break at Pulau Sapi Kota Kinabalu Sabah with some of my husband's friends. Why consider as a short break? Just because I escape from being a mother on that day :DDD (As I said just now, IM A LAZY GIRL). Dint prepare much to this trip and don't have capture many picture as I expected :(( Just can post out few picture of that pulau. Hmm...


Thank god because good weather on that day and manage to capture good view of pulau sapi.
 (Do you spot something??!!!)
 (Zoom in!!)

For girls, remember put on some sunblock before you explore to sunlight hahahahaahh! I get black skin after that trip :((( Need quite a long time to get back my skin colour. A short remind, please ready your own foods if you don't want buy foods over there (Quite expensive and the taste is.. Hmm..). Just pretend you're going to have a picnic over there hahahaaa!


We stay there just about 5 hours like that and we back to the city (Of course just because too hot just us la..). Back home with a freaking tired mood and body!

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