Monday 19 May 2014


Today im gonna post a blog about beauty review. Do you ever hear this brand? Celmonze? No? Same as me! At first, I really no idea about this brand. Maybe I outdate lloolll!! Until the day when my mum go to beauty centre (MONICA) and the girl advice to me use this product.
Before that, im gonna tell you that I got dark spot on my face. Consider a lot?! Im nt sure. But what I can tell you is I get dark spots since I was teenage. Should blame myself who join Persatuan Bulan Sabit Merah (Malaysian Red Crescent Society) on that time.
 I’ve been try many others brand to reduce my dark spots but bad news is no one of them can help me to reduce dark spots L Until I try this product Celmonze, its work! Me forget to take picture before and after =.= And also forget to count out the day for the outcome result. But people around me can notice about the change. Its helps my skin getting bright, white, smooth and also, my dark spots reduce! Thanks god to let me find out this brand J  I use C White Skin Concentrate everyday and night. I get tester of C White Day Cream and C White Night Repair Complex from my mum. C White Day Cream apply on day time and C White Night Repair Complex apply on night time before sleep! Damn like the cream and concentrate so much! It wont feel sticky after apply on face and the smell good! The concentrate super clear in colour!


Here is some information about 3 products from C White:
Day Cream

White Brilliance Increased,
Dark Matters Decreased.

Skin is on its way to a brighter day! Thanks to skin lightening plant extracts, cellular renewal is accelerated while melanin balance is attained and even skin tone achieved. Darkening activities are suppressed.


Skin Concentrate

Extraordinarily Brighter, Firmer
Incredibly Calmer & Clearer.

 Skin's hero is here to save the day! From now on, expect extraordinarily firmer days with anti-pigmentation power. Plus, there's Acetyl Tetrapeptide-9 on board to stimulate collagen and plump up skin!

Night Repair Complex
Stellar Renovation Just Overnight, Spotty Pigmentation Out of Sight.
Skin's overnight renovation restores brilliance. First, unwanted dark spots from sun damage, acne, and melasma are faded away. Next, an extra brightening boost will be visible when you wake!
Light up your world with the luminous power of C White by Celmonze-designed to counter hyper pigmentation and unwanted blemishes-the safe, gentle and natural way. Using naturally occurring alpha hydroxyl acids derived from soybean, bitter almond, bark of willow tree and milk. These nourishing, nutritive and intensely revitalizing ingredients in C White will more than restore skin's luminosity. It'll eradicate the effects of sun damage and acne scars. Fade away unwanted blemishes. And, propel intensive cellular renovation till skin is plump, smooth and young again!
By using Celmoze, its can help to reduces Appearance of Dark Spots and Pigmentation
- Able to Lighten Uneven Skin Tone
- Boots Up Skin's Elasticity
- Moisturizing and Hydrating
- Lifting and Firming
- Soothes Away Skin's Irritation
- Calms Away Skin's Problem


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