Monday 27 June 2016

3 years old!

3 years old!

Finally back to my blog space after so long. My little boy turn to 3 years old recently. How time passes~~ From a little baby now turn to a toddler and soon preschooler T_T And I being a 3 years full time working mum. Thanks to A who give me so much strength within this 3 years. Without his smile everyday, his hugs before sleep, his kisses whenever I request, I won't have the strength to continue my stressful life. So now I'm gonna list down some milestone which A achieve when his 3. 

  1. Can recognize all alphabet words and numbers 1-20 

          If I'm not mistaken, he can recognize all uppercase, lowercase alphabet and number 1-20 when he is 2 yr 6 month old? Maybe is due to everyday before he bedtime, I always let him play his ABC & 123 puzzle and read out loud the letter/number whenever he put the puzzle correctly. Or maybe I should thanks to I-Nanny aka Ipad, because I only download educational apps for him to play or watch when we having meal at outdoor/restaurants. Glad he can memorize it so fast. 

  1. Hand writing 

          I didn't force him to start his writing skills before he start his preschool next year, but I did download an apps which can help to practice his writing. He quite enjoy the practice! Someday my mum bought him few writing books which make him so happy & excited! So without hesitate, I try give him some color pencil to write on the writing books and he did! He follow the line carefully and I notice he get frustrated when the line he draw is not nice (he got OCD from me haha!).

3. Not potty trained yet 

          l'm kinda stressed with this actually because next year he gonna start his pre-school and some family members kept compare him with others and kept nagging by this age many toddler know how to potty train already. Hopefully he can potty train before he start his school. 

4. Strong memorize 

          I'm glad he got such good memorize at such age. 

5. Music senses 

          He has a strong music sense (as I know). He can memorize one full song before he turn 3! Not only for nursery songs, even the latest new songs he can memorize within few times continually playing.

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